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Mold Testing

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  • Molds are tested in our state-of-the-art tech center to ensure that they produce the highest quality parts and meet customer criteria and cycle time goals.
  • Parts are inspected in our Quality Control lab for proper dimensional characteristics specified.


TG TECH is the home of TGM’s testing departments as well as our advanced technical center.

At 55,000 square feet (5,110 square meters) and located only 1.5 km from our main facility, TG TECH allows TGM to provide the following new services to its customers:

  • Increased mold testing capacity
  • System Integration for Machine / Mold / Automation
  • Research and development of new mold technologies
  • Small lot production for prototype and product launch
  • Support short-term customer production requirement
  • 9 injection molding machine arranged from 160 to 1,000 tons