Many companies are making “green” transitions and implementing changes in their processes and products to meet the today’s new demands. “Cost saving”, “increased efficiency”, “sustainability”, “going green” are all buzz words flying round everyone’s organizations. Yet these words start to lose their meaning when they are too commonly used for marketing purposes, companies must do their research in order to make smart choices to actually meet these demands.
Top Grade Molds (TGM) is trying to do its part to meet these requirements and help their customers save money, become more efficient and green. One example of this is their patented “Double Lock Gasketless” pail and lid designs.
These designs are offered in both round and non-round in a variety of sizes and boast a sleek aesthetically pleasing look. They are proven to 24 hours for zero leakage and are both tamper evident and tamper resistant. The attractive features are: the designs are 20-25% lighter in weight than industry standards resulting in less resin used; the design allows for very durable retention during transportation, and offers 30-45% better pail nesting than industry standards.
The nesting feature makes the shipping and storage much more efficient. The typical North American 5 gal pail stacks 15 pails per 6ft, TGM’s 5 gal pail design stacks 27 pails per 6ft.
Be sure to check out some of the other ways TGM can help you transition to be a greener and more efficient company with their innovative technologies and designs.